What’s up Gaming Heroes! Here’s our ringing deeps gold farm for mining. Check it out, we think you’ll have some great success making gold with this farm. I (Erosium) have farmed this route for about 5 hours and made loads of gold!
Tips for Gold Making with Mining & Herbs
Specializations Points for Mining
Specializations Points for Herbalism
What you will need
Weaver’s Buff (Pact)
Profession Equipment
To import routes into World of Warcraft make sure you download the addons: Routes Import / Export & Routes. This will allow you to take the code below and copy / paste it into wow! When in WoW type in chat /routes to bring the UI up. Then paste the code into the import box and BOOM you’ve done it!
My favorite way to make gold while mining is to fly around The Ringing Deeps and only stop for SPECIAL ores (they’re shiny on the mini-map) and when I see those I fly down, use elemental overload on the ore, collect the extras and then finishing mining the ore node. Then I fly again, I usually ignore normal ore as if you collect it all you’ll run out of flying vigor quickly which ultimately slows you down.
The Ringing Deeps
Retail:Routes:Herb ORE:The Ringing Deeps: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
Once you have imported the route and done some mining and herbalism, let us know how much gold you made and how much success you had with this route.
Discord – Thoughts & Questions
Join discord and let us know your thoughts or questions about this guide and should you be feeling super mega generous please consider leaving us a review on discord in our Member-Reviews channel!
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