Garrison Guides
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Love is in the Air is the valentine event within World of Warcraft. The event is active from February 3rd to February 17th in 2025. Throughout the event you can collect Love Token. This is the event’s currency which is stored in your inventory, and WILL disappear when the event ends. This means you have…
Lunar festival is active from January 28 to February 11 in 2025. Throughout the event you can collect Coin of Ancestry. This currency is an item which will be stored in your bag and can have a stack of 200. It’s soulbound (not warbound) and will NOT be deleted when the event ends. You can…
All The Things is every collector’s dream addon. It is customizable to suit your every collection need. You might see this addon referred to as ATT. Where to find the addon: When you have installed the addon, a new window will appear in game, and should look something like this: This window will only…