Shadowlands Mission Table GOLD

Welcome to the shadowlands mission table Gold Guide! Here at Gaming Hero we focus on getting you the best gold making guides possible!

Shadowlands mission tables is what we like to refer to as “Passive” gold. This basically means you put in a bit of effort to set it up but after that the gold becomes really passive in nature and gathers with very little effort from the gamers.

Getting Started with Shadowlands

If you’ve never played Shadowlands before then I am afraid you will have to do the entire Shadowlands campaign once in order to unlock the “Skips” on all future characters. My suggestion if you have to do this is to level up a character by playing through Chromie-time Shadowlands. Simply start a character and go to Chromie in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar and select “Shadowlands” as the timeline you wish to level through.

Video Guide: Shadowlands Command Table

Skipping Through Shadowlands

If you have previously played Shadowlands then the good news is you can use the “Skips” so that we can get you your Mission Tables setup fast and easy! Follow the guide below to get setup as fast as possible!

Skipping the Maw

In both Ogrimmar and Stormwind you can find your faction leaders standing next to a load of deathknights as seen in the picture below. Do not if you’re in another “Chromie time” this may prevent you seeing this and I advise you to speak to Chromie to “Return” to the current timeline, you will then see these Deathknights who you can speak with to begin Shadowlands.

Speak to Dorian Morgraine and select “Skip, I’ve done this before.” this will teleport your character directly to Oribos.

In Oribos you will meet Tal’Inara who will offer you the option to either play the campaign of Shadowlands or do Threads of Fate.

Select Threads of Fate by typing in the option “FATE”. Congrats you’ve skipped the maw!

Getting 60 Renown with all 4 Covenants

Go to the teleport pads in Oribos and click them to teleport “upstairs”

Then run to the flight master.

To the right of the Flight master you will find a vendor.

From this vendor purchase 4 Broker Mark of Distinction (500g each x 4 = 2000g).

These will be used to get 4000 quick anima and 4 “Wisps of Memory” which is 75,000 experience each! Saving you months of leveling your companions!

Go back to the teleport pad, use it and run to the room called the “Enclave”. Speak to Tal’Inara and interact with the helmet on the table to choose a covenant.

Doesn’t matter which covenant, just save “Night Fae” for last as that’s the one we’re going to end up with. I usually select: Venthyr first.

When you’ve joined the Venthyr, ignore the quest and open your bags: use the first “Broker Mark of Distinction“.

Now speak to the Necrolords and join up with the Necrolords, once signed up with them use your other “Broker Mark of Distinction“.

Now do the exact same with the Kyrian, then finally do the same with the Nightfae.

By the time you have completed this you should now have a bunch of random items in your bags. The only items that matter are: 4000 worth of Anima items and 4 Wisp’s of Memory.

Now speak to Tal’inara, make sure you’ve done your skip to Zereth Mortis if you can (just saves you time incase you need to go there for any reason).

Now make sure your last covenant you sign up with is Nightfae, this is because its easier to travel there for mission tables! Then speak to Lady Moonberry who will give you a quest “The Heart of the Forest“. This will send you to Ardenweald (Home of the Nightfae).

At this point you need to go to Ardenweald, either fly there via the flightmaster or go to the engineering master, learn Shadowlands Engineering (level 1), buy a Shadowlands Wormhole Generator from the auction house, learn the toy and teleport to Ardenweald.

when you get to Ardenweald, find Lady Moonberry and follow the quest chain through speaking to the Winter Queen and completing your Soulbind with Niya and until you’ve skipped through the whole Nightfae Introduction.

IMPORTANT – Companions

Only complete one Soulbind (we save the other 2 for later). The soulbinds unlock companions and at first we only want one companion! This is so we can power level it and by extension power level our troops up with very little effort! Once Niya is level 60 we will hire all the other companions.

Once you’ve completed the one soulind ritual with Niya, go ahead and use the “Wisp’s of Memory” on Niya and power level her up to level 55. You will notice your troops are now level 55 also! Our goal is to power level Niya up to level 60 before hire more companions.

Run downstairs and hand your anima into Zayhad in the left corner. When you’ve deposited your anima use the anima on building a command table. The command table will take 1 hour to build!

Experience Tokens and Renown

While the mission table is building this is time you could make use of!

At level 67 Renown you can get another “Wisp’s of Memory” this will take you 20-30 mins of grinding Torghast layer 4+ (I like to do layer 10). You get 1 renown per torghast run from the final boss, just blast through as fast as you can!

To access Torghast, return to Oribos and speak to Bolvar Fordragon and use the “Skip to Torghast” dialogue (May as well skip to Korthia too while speaking to him).

Now head to the teleport pad, click it and then jump into the white area in the middle of oribos. This will take you to the maw! Then head downwards towards Torghast Tower of the Damned.

Complete any wing of Torghast on layer 4-10. It’s important to go as fast as possible for decent score, renown drops from the last boss. If you’re too slow it might not drop, be warned. Keep doing this until renown 67 when you get your other Wisp’s of Memory!

Use the Wisp’s of Memory on Niya and this will power level her to 58. At this point you either need to carry on doing Torghasts until 76 renown for another: Wisp’s of Memory or you can just do missions on Niya until she dings 60. Additionally if you have other mission tables setup on other characters you may have EXP tokens that you can send over to this alt to get the last bits of EXP on Niya.

Niya Dings Level 60

When you’ve successfully dinged Niya to level 60 this is now when you can hire all the other companions for your mission tables. The reason we don’t do this before Niya is 60 is because we want the troops to be level 60! They average the same level as all your companions, but they never go down in level, so getting them to 60 using 1 companion is a crazy OP Loophole.

Command Table Addon: TLDR

Go ahead and download the addon: TLDR then setup your settings to look like mine below, using these settings will save you lots of time per character when sending missions, just press “Calculate” and you’re done:

Gold Making from Command Table

The gold that comes from command table is a little per day from raw gold! But don’t forget all the bonus gold making you can do from using this table!

Pet Charms. Use pet charms to buy pets from previous expansions such as the “Sea Breeze Bumblebee” from BFA or many other Pets. These pets can be learnt, then caged and sold on the auctionhouse for 20k – 60k depending on realm! See our Pet guide here.

Veild Augment Runes. These runes can be sold on the auction house for a whopping 11-15 gold each! You get loads of these from the command table so it quickly adds up and they are sold FAST!

RAW GOLD – yes I already covered you get raw gold from the command table, but what I didnt cover is all the random gear pieces that drop and can be sold to the vendor for boat loads of gold!

Weekly Renown quest. When you reach 80 renown the weekly renown quest from the nightfae will change and reward you with 1650g per character per week for 1000 anima collected. 1000 anima from the mission table is mega easy when you’ve leveled your adventure campaign up!

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4 responses to “Shadowlands Mission Table GOLD”

  1. Stephen Parsons Avatar
    Stephen Parsons

    One downside is that you can no longer choose threads of fate

  2. Natalie Paterson Avatar
    Natalie Paterson

    I wish I’d found you page months ago before I did the grind for Venthyr renown – you info about the Broker Mark of Distinction to achieve renown 60 with each covenant is worth the monthly subscription alone! Thank you so much!!!

    1. Erosium Avatar

      Hey Natalie, thank you for this absolutely lovely comment, it means the world to us. Glad this guide helped make things faster for you. If there’s any guide requests ever, please let us know! If you really love Gaming Hero we would love to hear your review on our members-discord review channel here: thank you!

      1. Natalie Paterson Avatar
        Natalie Paterson

        Review posted, keep up the good work with the content and guides – so helpful!

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