Hey Gaming Heroes! Incase you’ve liked our previous guides on Nathria and Sepulcher Boe Farms, here’s one for the third raid of Shadowlands, Sanctum of Domination.
Items We’re After
Here’s a list of the boes that can drop in Sanctum, note that there are also some cosmetic items from Shadowlands that can drop, but those aren’t specific to SoD and often are worth less gold.
Quick Tips for this Farm
Better Option – Mythic Difficulty (Better TMOG ilvl)
First you’ll need to unlock Shadowlands: if you’ve NEVER been there, you’ll need to do the campaign, but if you’ve done it on another character already then you can skip it.
Getting to the Raid
In both Ogrimmar and Stormwind you can find your faction leaders standing next to a load of deathknights as seen in the picture below. Do not if you’re in another “Chromie time” this may prevent you seeing this and I advise you to speak to Chromie to “Return” to the current timeline, you will then see these Deathknights who you can speak with to begin Shadowlands.
Speak to Highlord Darion Mograine and select “Skip, I’ve done this before.” this will teleport your character directly to Oribos.

In Oribos you will meet Tal-Inara who will offer you the option to either play the campaign of Shadowlands or do Threads of Fate.
Select Threads of Fate by typing in the option “FATE”. Congrats you’ve skipped the maw!

Now go to Oribos, go to the upper ring (where all the portals and flightmasters are) and jump down into the middle ring (trust me it works).

Now that you’re in the Maw, head over to the raid.
Tip: Kill the mobs that have mounts, you’ll be able to use their mount when they die.
Go in the raid and kill the first boss. This is a very hard boss, so I recommend you switch to tank spec or make a group. Happily you only need to kill this boss once per week.
Now you’re setup for farming! All you need to do is kill all the adds up to the next boss, The Eye of the Jailer. You can then farm those adds consistently for boes by using the reset trick below. DO NOT Kill the second boss, only kill adds.

The LFR Method
Go to Oribos and speak to Ta’elfar. Select Shackles of Fate and kill all the mobs. DO NOT kill any bosses. Leave Instance Group, reset instance and go again!

Thank you for reading this guide!
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