Welcome to our guide on how to unlock the Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent mount!
In order to obtain this mount, you will have to complete achievements in the Pandaria raids until you get the Glory of the Pandaria Raider achievement.
Make sure to set the difficulty to heroic for all the raids you go through for this achievement, it will give you some of the achievements you need and it will be easier not to one shot the bosses when needed.
Table of Contents
Mogu’shan Vaults Achievements
Head to the Mogu’Shan Vaults raid in Kun’Lai Summit, then complete all the achievements below:
Must Love Dogs
You will get the Must Love Dogs achievement from killing the first boss (Stone Guardian) while having a canine pet summoned. Unfortunately not all dog pets work for this, but the Worg Pup can be bought at the auction house for cheap. Summon this pet, then kill the boss and you will get the achievement.

If you are in a group with other players, everyone needs to summon their own Worg Pup.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better…
The Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better… achievement is one of the more annoying ones, and you’ll need to be in a group with another player to complete it. Here is how to do it:
Head to the Second boss, Feng The Accursed. Make sure one person in your group is in Tank spec and the other in DPS spec. I also advise you to take off all your gear to make sure you do not one-shot the boss.
Now body pull the boss. Two blue crystals will appear near the boss. The tank has to interact the darker crystal of the two. By doing this the tank will get an extra ability called Shroud of Reversal. The boss will use different abilities throughout the different phases of the encounter, most times targeting the dps player. The tanks must use the special ability on the dps player when the boss uses an ability, then the shroud of reversal will turn into a new ability that you can use on the boss. Here are all the different abilities you have to copy:
- Arcane Velocity: the tank has to target the dps while it is taking damage from this ability, then target the boss and use the extra action button (it should have the icon from this ability)
- Arcane Resonance: this will put a circle on the dps player. Do the same thing as described above.
- Lightning Fists: the boss will create a lightning shockwave. The dps has to run in the shockwave to get stunned. If the dps does not get stunned then try again. Once the player is stunned do the same thing as for the previous abilities.
- Epicenter: the boss will cast epicenter. Use the extra ability on the dps player while affected by epicenter.
- Wildfire Spark: the boss will put a debuff on the dps player. Use the extra ability while the player is affected by this debuff.
Note: Make sure the extra ability button changes its icon before using it against the boss.

The boss has three phases: an arcane phase where he will use arcane velocity and arcane resonance, a fire phase where he will use wildfire spark and a lightning phase where he will use lightning fists and epicenter.
Once you’ve copied all abilities from one phase, you can auto-attack the boss to get him below 66% HP, which will make him change phase. Copy all abilities from that phase then get him below 33%, copy the last abilities and you can then kill the boss. If you fail to do this on one character, you can try doing it on any of your other characters.

Sorry, Were You Looking for This?
For the Sorry, Were You Looking for This? achievement, head to the Gara’jal the Spiritbinder boss. This achievement can not be soloed unless you are a hunter, death knight, warlock… any class with a pet.
Have either a party member or your pet pull the boss (do not damage him), then make sure to set your pet to passive. Once in a while, a totem will spawn:

A player who does not have aggro on the boss has to stand near the totem and attack it (dont use an aoe attack)
That player will then be sent to another phase where there is a chest in the middle of the arena. Click the chest (you have to be quick) then kill the boss and the achievement will be yours.

Straight Six
For the Straight Six achievement get to the Elegon boss. Take off all your gear then auto attack Elegon until it gets to 65% hp.
At this point Elegon will create orbs that will move toward pylons at the edges of the room. Step off the blue platform and wait until the orbs reach and activate the pylons. In order to get the achievement you’ll have to go and destroy all the pylons under 10 seconds, so make sure to save any speed cooldowns you have before starting the encounter. Once you destroyed all pylons you can kill the boss and you should get the achievement.

At this point you have completed all the achievements from this raid!
Power Overwhelming
For the Power Overwhelming achievement, head to the Terrace of Endless Spring raid in Jade Forest.
In the first encounter, you’ll face 3 ennemies. In order to get this achievement you have to kill them in a different order each time : the only thing that matters is which one you kill last. This achievement will take you three weeks because you need to kill each of the three bosses last and it is not account bound.

Who’s Got Two Green Thumbs?
For the Who’s Got Two Green Thumbs? achievement simply go to the Tsulong boss and kill it as fast as possible!

Face Clutchers
For the Face Clutchers achievement, take off your gear, then start fighting the Lei Shi boss. Take it down to 25% HP, then jump down into the water. Underwater you’ll find parasites, when you get near one of them you’ll get a debuff. Once the debuff is on you simply go kill the boss and you’ll get your achievement!

Jump at 25% HP.

Find a parasite

Kill boss when you have this debuff

The Mind-Killer
For the The Mind-Killer achievement very simply go nuke the Sha of Fear boss and you will get the achievement!

For the next round of achievements, get to the Heart of Fear raid in Pandaria.

For the Overzealous achievement, get to the first boss, Imperial Vizier Zor’lok (you’ll need to kill the adds on the sides to activate him). Pull him (be careful not to one shot him), then near a pillar on the right you’ll find a bug. Right click it and you will get a debuff. Just kill the boss while you have the debuff and you will get this achievement!

Candle in the Wind
For the Candle in the Wind achievement head to the second boss, kill the side adds to activate him then take him to 20% HP.
He will start summoning tornadoes and winds to stop you from reaching him. In the room you’ll find four unlit braziers: two at the start and two near the boss.

You have to click on the lit brazier to get a buff, then light up the unlit braziers. Do this for all four braziers then kill the boss.

Like an Arrow to the Face
For the Like an Arrow to the Face achievement head to the next boss (Garalon) then just attack him with a single target attack. Do not attack his legs just target Garalon himself.

Less Than Three
For the Less Than Three achievement, get to the Wind Lord Mel’jarak boss and kill him with a single target attack without killing any of the adds near him.

I Heard You Like Amber…
For the I Heard You Like Amber… achievement, get to the Amber-Shaper Un’sok boss. Wait for the boss to summon 8 Living Amber mobs, then auto attack them (the boss will turn you into an amber abomination).

You have to make sure to kill them at the same spot so that the pools they leave when they die all overlap. Then use the first ability you are granted (Amber strike) on the boss. He will summon a big add that you have to kill then you can finish the boss and get your achievement.
If you track the achievement, you’ll see the text turn white once you’ve killed 8 Living Amber.

Timing is Everything
For the Timing is Everything achievement, very simply pull the Grand Empress Shek’zeer, within a few seconds she will hide and summon a few adds. Kill the adds (there should be two Kor’thik Reavers within the pack) then kill the boss and you’ll get the achievement!

Congratulations, you have earned the Glory of The Pandaria Raider achievement!
Feel free to check out some more Mount guides to fill your mount collection, and have a great day!
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