Welcome to our guide on how to unlock the undead racial mounts!
In order to obtain these mounts, you will need either an undead character or a character that is exalted with the Undercity faction.
You can use the class trial option in the character creation screen to make an undead character. By using this method you will not need to go through the Exile’s Reach starting zone.

Send some gold to your character (you won’t need more than 100 gold) and buy the mounts from Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades.

You can get to Tirisfal Glades easily by doing the following: First, take the portal from Orgrimmar to Silvermoon. Then exit the room and go to the room on your right. Go up the stairs and you will reach this orb of translocation:

Interact with it and you will be teleported to Tirisfal Glades. If you are in the BFA version of the zone (where the city is burnt down and there’s a huge trail of green slime everywhere) you’ll have to talk to Zidormi:

Now you can go to Zachariah Post (location shown above).
Here are some of the mounts you will get by doing this:

Full mount list: Red Skeletal Horse, Blue Skeletal Horse, Brown Skeletal Horse, Green Skeletal Warhorse, Black Skeletal Horse, Ochre Skeletal Warhorse.
Congratulations, you now have the undead racial mounts! If you did not create an undead, you’ll need to farm the Undercity reputation to get these mounts. We have a guide below.
How To Get Exalted With Undercity
Note: follow these steps if you do not want to create an undead character.
Undead characters do NOT need to be exalted with Undercity to purchase the mounts.
Getting Exalted With Undercity
You can purchase these mounts on any character that reaches the exalted status with Undercity. One of the best ways to gain reputation with Undercity is to follow the following steps:
First, buy the Undercity Tabard from Captain Donald Adams in Orgrimmar.

Once you equip the tabard, you will get Undercity reputation from some of the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King dungeons.
The dungeon we’re aiming for is the Botanica. Use the portal to Shattrath from Orgrimmar and fly to Netherstorm. You can now run this dungeon on heroic mode once per day and on normal mode 10 times per hour to get tons of reputation with Undercity.

Make sure to use reputation buffs such as the Darkmoon Fair buff buff whenever you get the chance to do so to speed up the process.
Once you reach exalted, go back to Tirisfal Glades and buy the undead racial mounts from Zachariah Post
Video Guide: How to Get Undead Mounts
Thank you for reading this guide, and I hope it helped you grow your mount collection.
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