Love is in the Air Gold Making Guide

Love is in the Air is the valentine event within World of Warcraft. The event is active from February 3rd to February 17th in 2025. Throughout the event you can collect Love Token. This is the event’s currency which is stored in your inventory, and WILL disappear when the event ends. This means you have to start from 0 Love tokens every year. 

The currency has seemingly been changed from soulbound to warbound, so you can gather all your tokens from many characters to one character by using the Warband Bank or sending it in the mail.

There are many different ways you can get Love Token’s. The most simple one is completing the Crown Chemical Co. instance on a daily basis. Simply open the Group Finder by clicking “I” on your keyboard or clicking the green eye in the menu tab. Once there and in the Dungeon Finder category, select “The Crown Chemical Co.” dungeon and join the que. The que is usually less than 10 min for dps and instant for most tanks and healers.

You’ll spawn into a Love is in the Air version of Shadowfang Keep, where you’ll start an encounter with a boss consisting of 3 undead npc’s. When your team have killed the three npc’s, one of them will drop loot. You’ll be able to loot Heart-Shaped Box once a day for level 60+ characters, and Heart-Shaped Carton if you’re less than level 60, also once per day.

The Heart-Shaped Box awarded above level 60 also have a chance to drop the X-45 Heartbreaker and the NEW Love Witch’s Sweeper mounts!

Lasty you can also acquire Love Token’s from some quests, located in Stormwind for the Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde. The once per event quests, if all completed, should award 140 Love Token’s for the first character. Doing it on alts will sadly reward less token’s. Doing daily quests will also award 30 Love Token’s for the first character daily. Doing daily on alts will award half the amount, 15 Token’s.

Love is in the Air Auctionable Items

The Alliance event vendor, Kiera Torres, is located at /way #37 32.2 50.4
The Horde event vendor, Lythianne Morningspear, is located at /way #1 41.8 17.2

Item Price
Date Simulation Modulator
Heartseeker Moth
Lovebird Hatchling
Toxic Wasteling
Truesilver Shafted Arrow
Swift Lovebird

Heartseeker Moth

Lovebird Hatchling/Swift Lovebird (same model)

Toxic Wasteling

Truesilver Shafted Arrow

You might see that some pets appear soulbound or warbound, when you initially buy them. You can make these auctionable by learning the battle pet, then finding it in your pet collection. When you’ve found the pet, select the “Put In Cage” option and it can now be sold on the Auction House.

Thank you for reading! Happy Love is in the Air! Treat yourself and your loved ones <3 To read more awesome Gaming Hero guides CLICK HERE! Please consider becoming a member to gain access to 300+ gold guides CLICK HERE!!!

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3 responses to “Love is in the Air Gold Making Guide”

  1. Natalie Paterson Avatar
    Natalie Paterson

    Unless I’m missing something, it looks like the dinner suit is now a BOP in 2025 and cannot be resold or returned once you’ve opened the box – I think the dress may be the same, but I don’t want to waste tokens to find out. Please let me know if I’ve missed something! Thanks 🙂

    1. Hjorthie Avatar

      I see that you might be right! I’ll have them removed immediately. Thank you for the heads up 🙂

      1. Natalie Paterson Avatar
        Natalie Paterson

        no problem at all, glad to help 🙂

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