What’s up Gaming Heroes! In this guide we want to take you into your first foray into gold making then look no further. This guide will give you the tools necessary to make some steady income ready to either pay for that token or set your goldmaking journey alight!

This goldmaking guide will set you up with what you need to know to start building up your gold reserves by doing different tasks such as setting a farming list, doing material farms and more!
Whilst you can pick up on one or two of these write ups, it is suggested that you look at all the options on the guide to diversify your auction house and revenue streams.
Addons Worth Picking up
- TSM – a staple addon to have when gold farming as this will give you a real time idea of items and materials that are worth selling simply by hovering over it and compliments other addons here such as LootAppraiser
- Gathermate2 – make sure you also download the gathermate2_data as this will mark on the map the places where most ores, herbs, treasures are within each zone
- Routes – You can load this up and import a route for any material you are farming and it will show you the most efficient route to complete your farm (make sure to install the Routes Import addon aswell)
- LootAppraiser – LootAppraiser displays the total gold you earned from each farming session. It’s a great addon to stay motivated while farming!
I suggest that you have a watch of this gold guide posted on the Youtube page which will give you more context around what you can do and give you a nice and simple walkthrough around making your first steps into goldmaking:
Setting A Shopping List
If you are getting started with goldmaking, you should aim to select a few items to farm and keep posted on the auction house at all times. This requires no gold investment and is a great way to build up your gold empire! Here are some rare valuable items you could hunt:
- Goldenmane’s Reins: You can get this mount by grinding mobs in Stormsong Valley, feel free to check our in depth guide here.
- You can find 10 different pets to farm in this guide. Farming these pets will give you a lot of different items to post on the auction house, meaning you will have a high chance of getting sales!
- You will also find a variety of toys, pets and transmog to farm daily in this guide!
As you can see many of the items on this list are pets. Pets are infact an ideal place to start getting gold! They can be farmed in no time and sold on any server because they are BoA items. They also sell fairly quickly and they are a great way to start making gold!
These are examples, but you can farm any item you like! We recommend you farm some rare valuable items to get a lot of gold in the long term. Make sure to keep them posted on the auction house as much as you can. If you need more ideas, you will find tons of goldfarms in our gold making guide section here.
Quick Gold: Material Farms
Getting transmog, pets and mounts will grant you large amounts of gold overtime, but material farms are the way to go if you are looking to get some quick gold. Remember that, since the auction house merge, material farms will yield less gold than they used too, but the materials will sell almost instantly. Here are some material farms:
- Felcloth farm: Grind the Misty Grell near the cavern in the North West of Swamp of Sorrows. Learn more here.
- Dark Rune: You can obtain this valuable reagent by killing the mobs in Corin’s Crossing in Eastern Plaguelands. Learn more here.
RTN Farming: The Ultimate Goldmaking Method
RTN farms combine all the gold making methods above into one. The RTN routes combine killig rares, finding treasure chests and gathering nodes! If you would like to know more about RTN farming, you can check out this guide. Please note this is a members only guide, if you want to sign up to become a member then click here.
- To summarize, the best way to get your first 250K in WoW is to farm rare items to keep posted at all times. While you are waiting for those to sell, farm materials to get quick gold. Remember that all items will be sold eventually and the more items you have on the auction house the more you have a chance of selling something!
- When growing your gold balance, never concentrate solely on one farm. It is always worth filling up your bank with additional resources and extra items but the key here is to get your gold and keep a steady flow of income whilst completing other activities whether it be gold related or not.
- Make sure that you are selling multiple different items on the auction house rather than 1 single item. This means that you will open multiple revenue streams to get you on your way to that 250k gold target. Do not be worried if an item does not sell straight away and do not sell the item for less than it’s worth. Patience in the short term will lead to heavy pockets in the long term!
What Is Next?
If you have gained 250K gold, you can now start making a lot more gold by using crafting or flipping strings! I recommend you check out our TSM guides here.
- When growing your gold balance, never concentrate solely on one farm. It is always worth filling up your bank with additional resources and extra items but the key here is to get your gold and keep a steady flow of income whilst completing other activities whether it be gold related or not.
- Make sure that you are selling multiple different items on the auction house rather than 1 single item. This means that you will open multiple revenue streams to get you on your way to that 250k gold target. Do not be worried if an item does not sell straight away and do not sell the item for less than it’s worth. Patience in the short term will lead to heavy pockets in the long term!