Hey Gaming Heroes! In this guide we’ll go over Engineering in The War Within, how it works, and how you can make gold with it!
Pro Tip before we start: If your character is Kul’Tiran, you’ll get the Jack of All Trades buff which is great for crafting in general, and even better if your character is a gnome you’ll get Engineering Specialization.
Engineering Trainer
Starting at character level 68, you can learn Khaz Algar Engineering from the following trainers in Dornogal:
- Thermalseer Arhdas – located in Dornogal at coordinates /way 49.25 55.95
If you’re having trouble locating the trainer, don’t hesitate to ask a city guard for directions.

Materials You’ll Be Using
Click for a list of materials you’ll be using for Alchemy in the War Within.
From vendors
From Leatherworking
From Tailoring
From Blacksmithing
From Jewelcrafting
From mining
From Herbalism
Optional reagents
- Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest
- Enchanted Gilded Harbinger Crest
- Forged Gladiator’s Heraldry
- Forged Aspirant’s Heraldry
- Forged Combatant’s Heraldry
- Prismatic Zero Stone
- Elemental Focusing Lens
- Recalibrated Safety Switch
- Captured Starlight
- Blessed Weapon Grip
- Energy Redistribution Beacon
- Concealed Chaos Modules
- Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity
- Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis
- Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance
- Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
- Griftah’s Heavy-Duty Embellishing Powder
- Blame Redirection Device
- Complicated Fuse Box
- Algari Missive of the Aurora
- Algari Missive of the Fireflash
- Algari Missive of the Fireflash
- Algari Missive of the Harmonious
- Algari Missive of the Peerless
- Algari Missive of the Quickblade
New craft materials
- Spark of Omens
- Artisan’s Acuity
- Pile of Rusted Scrap
- Bountiful Bolts
- Assorted Whirligigs
- Blinker fluid
- Cataclysmic Converter
- Pummel-Proof Plating
- Pummel Permit
- Stunning Sapphire
- Ostentatious Onyx
- Radiant Ruby
- Extravagant Emerald
- Handful of Bismuth Bolts
- Gyrating Gear
- Whimsical Wiring
- Entropy Enhancer
- Safety Switch
- Chaos Circuit
Production reagents
Here is a list of Engineering Knowledge Treasures found across Khaz Algar in The War Within:
Engineering Knowledge Treasures
- Dornogal Spectacles – Dornogal (Inside Black Market Auction House Building)
/way #2339 64.8 52.8 Dornogal Spectacles
- Rock Engineer’s Wrench – Isle of Dorn, Boulder Springs
/way #2248 61.3 69.5 Rock Engineer's Wrench
- Earthen Construct Blueprints – Ringing Deeps (In Building)
/way #2214 64.5 58.8 Earthen Construct Blueprints
- Inert Mining Bomb – Ringing Deeps, Taelloch
/way #2214 42.7 27.3 Inert Mining Bomb
- Arathi Safety Gloves – Hallowfall, Mereldar (Inside Small Zeppelin)
/way #2215 41.6 48.9 Arathi Safety Gloves
- Holy Firework Dud – Hallowfall, Beledar’s Bounty
/way #2215 46.3 61.4 Holy Firework Dud
- Puppeted Mechanical Spider – Azj-Kahet, Weaver’s Lair (Inside Innkeeper Building)
/way #2255 56.9 38.6 Puppeted Mechanical Spider
- Emptied Venom Canister – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Umbral Bazaar
/way #2216 63.2 11.3 Emptied Venom Canister
These coordinates will guide you directly to each of the treasures, helping you collect valuable Engineering knowledge points as you explore the zones in The War Within.
Engineering Equipment
For each crafting and gathering profession, there is one tool and two accessories slots. They’ll give you additional stats that will be much welcome!
There are two variants of each tool and accessories. You can already create a version with level 68 and buy or sell in the auction house. You can create the significantly better version yourself, depending on your profession, or purchase it through the craft order system from other players. You must be level 80 for use.
With the engineering skills you can create an accessory and the tool yourself. The second accessory is from Leatherworking.
As an engineer, you make the following items for yourself:
- Bismuth Fueled Samophlange
- Aqirite Fueled Samophlange
- Bismuth Brainwave Projector
- Aqirite Brainwave Projector
And finally, Leatherworking creates a second accessory:
Engineering Bag
This is a new thing in the War Within, you get really cool profession specific bags that give you bonuses when crafting! The one for Engineering is Prodigy’s Toolbox, you can get it through work orders.
Leveling Engineering
Here’s how to go from 1 to 100 skill points in TWW Engineering:
(you’ll need about 75x Pile of Rusted Scrap, 90x Handful of Bismuth Bolts, 22x Gyrating Gear, 28x Whimsical Wiring, 100x Bismuth, 16x Crystalline Powder, 65x Aqirite, 1x Null Stone, 5x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Writhing sample)
1x Invent (24hr cooldown)
18x Safety Switch
Past 45 you’ll want to keep using Invent to get new recipes and craft those. You’ll also get skill points depending on which specializations you choose, but this is still a long process overall.
Once your engineering skill reaches 25, you’ll unlock specializations. It’s important to carefully review these options and choose the path that aligns with your goals. To unlock the second specialization, you’ll need a skill level of 50, and for the third level 60.
If you aim to unlock all specializations, be prepared to invest a total of 565 knowledge points.
By investing knowledge points in the various specialization trees, you’ll increase your skill in that category by 1 point per knowledge point. The higher your skill, the better your yield. Additionally, every 5 knowledge points unlock additional attributes!
Engineered Equipment

Engineered Equipment is a perfect tree if you are trying to craft gear.
The sub specializations include bonuses for crafting guns, goggles, bracers and profession gear, aswell as some plans for each category!

As the name says, this branch is great for devices! Things such as explosives for example. You’ll get bonuses when crafting and using such devices, and they’ll have a lower chance to blow up in your face.
Additionally, you’ll unlock the Box o’ Booms plan.

This is going to be a VERY useful spec for all engineers. It contains a bunch of upgrades for all crafts, you’ll have a higher chance of recovering materials and scraps while crafting, you’ll be able to get materials when using Invent and much more!
This is just a great spec for all engineers to have, and if you’re unsure what you want to do with engineering this is a good pick.
Knowledge Points
Unique knowledge points
- In the crafting professions, the first production of an object grants a point of knowledge, which is why you should at least produce each recipe.
- From the master of the craftsman consortium
Lyrendal Dornogal /way 59.82 56.40
For Artisan’s Acuity you can buy these items (they’ll give you tons of knowledge points) - When reaching a certain level of reputation – needs level 12 at the council of Dornogal
Sold by Auditor Balwurz in Dornogal for 1625 Resonance Crystals
/way 39.10, 24.18
Weekly knowledge points
- Profession Quest in Dornogal
Once a week,you’ll be able to pickup a quest that you will get two knowledge points. To activate these, the quest of Roldira needs to be completed. - NPC orders
At your job table, you now have jobs from NPCs (customers) among the orders that can reward you with knowledge points. - From the inscription customer via crafts mission
Algari Treatise on Engineering: An object that the scribes can produce for you by means of a crafting order and which you can use once a week. - Knowledge from boxes in the world
According to rumors, there are two items for each manufacturing profession, which can be found in boxes in each area, on a weekly basis. You grant 1-2 knowledge points per item. For engineering, these would be Earthen Induction Coil and Rust-Locked Mechanism.
Monthly knowledge points
- As usual, you can get some knowledge points from completing quests in the Darkmoon Faire.
So, What Can I craft?
Engineers in TWW can craft:
- Profession gear for Engineering, Tailoring, Mining, Fishing,and Jewelcrafting. All of these will be high in demand at the start of the expansion.
- You can make gear for Head Slots, Wrist slots and guns.
- Toys such as the Wormhole Generator: Khaz Algar and the Crowd Pummeler 2-30 mount!
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