Hey Gaming Heroes! In this guide we’ll go over Blacksmithing in The War Within, how it works, and how you can make gold with it!
Pro Tip before we start: If your character is Kul’Tiran, you’ll get the Jack of All Trades buff which is great for crafting in general, and even better if your character is a Dark Iron Dwarf you’ll get Mass Production!
Blacksmithing Trainer
Starting at character level 68, you can learn Khaz Algar Blacksmithing from the following trainers in Dornogal:
- Darean – located in Dornogal at coordinates /way 49.4 74.0
If you’re having trouble locating the trainer, don’t hesitate to ask a city guard for directions.

Materials You’ll Be Using
Click for a list of materials you’ll be using for Blacksmithing in the War Within.
From vendors
From Skinning
From herbalism & mining
Production reagents
Optional reagents
- Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest
- Enchanted Gilded Harbinger Crest
- Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest
- Forged Gladiator’s Heraldry
- Forged Aspirant’s Heraldry
- Forged Combatant’s Heraldry
- Blessed Weapon Grip
- Darkmoon Sigil: Radiance
- Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
- Darkmoon Sigil: Symbiosis
- Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity
- Prismatic Zero Stone
- Elemental Focusing Lens
- Captured Starlight
- Energy Redistribution Beacon
- Pouch of Pocket Grenades
- Concealed Chaos Modules
- Dawnthread Lining
- Duskthread Lining
- Writhing Armor Banding
- Griftah’s Heavy-Duty Embellishing Powder
- Algari Missive of the Aurora
- Algari Missive of the Fireflash
- Algari Missive of the Fireflash
- Algari Missive of the Harmonious
- Algari Missive of the Peerless
- Algari Missive of the Quickblade
From Leatherworking
From Alchemy
Craft materials
Blacksmithing Equipment
For each crafting and gathering profession, there is one tool and two accessories slots. They’ll give you additional stats that will be much welcome!
There are two variants of each tool and accessories. You can already create a version with level 68 and buy or sell in the auction house. You can create the significantly better version yourself, depending on your profession, or purchase it through the craft order system from other players. You must be level 80 for use.
As a blacksmith you can craft your own tool and one accessory:
- Proficient Blacksmith’s hammer
- Artisan Blacksmith’s hammer
- Proficient Blacksmith’s Toolbox
- Artisan Blacksmith’s Toolbox
And finally, Leatherworking creates your second accessory:
Blacksmithing Bag
This is a new thing in the War Within, you get really cool profession specific bags that give you bonuses when crafting! The one for Blacksmithing is Ignition Satchel, you can get it through work orders.
Leveling Blacksmithing
Here’s how to go from 1 to 100 skill points in TWW Blacksmithing:
(you’ll need about 203-223 Bismuth , ~45 Echoing Flux , 50-67 Core Alloy, 20-37 Leyline Residue and 13-15 Crystalline Powder to get to level 70)
10x Core Alloy
30-35x Forged Framework
Past this point things will get a bit slower. You’ll need to gain knowledge points to then unlock new recipes and then craft those for skill points. Every new recipe gives you knowledge points on the first craft, so make sure to do that as often as possible!
Once your blacksmithing skill reaches 25, you’ll unlock specializations. It’s important to carefully review these options and choose the path that aligns with your goals. To unlock the second specialization, you’ll need a skill level of 50, for the third, a skill level of 75, and the final one will unlock at skill level 100.
If you aim to unlock all specializations, be prepared to invest a total of 865 knowledge points.
By investing knowledge points in the various specialization trees, you’ll increase your skill in that category by 1 point per knowledge point. The higher your skill, the better your yield. Additionally, every 5 knowledge points unlock additional attributes!
Everburning Forge

Everburning Forge lets you use the Everburning Ignition buff which increases your Ingenuity, Multicraft or Resourcefulness depending on which sub-specialization you use. I would advise you choose what you want to do with blacksmithing and then take the sub-specialization that makes sense with that goal in mind.
However, unlocking the main tree of this spec won’t be a bad use of points, as it is still a very handy buff, and you’ll want to have it activated whenever you are crafting (if possible).
Means of Production

This spec will help you craft Alloys, a crafting reagent that will be used by other blacksmiths when crafting gear. This means instead of crafting gear and selling it in Trade Chat, you could just craft alloys and sell them on the auction house which does sound like less of a headache.
On the right side of the tree you’ll find subspecs for alloys and frameworks (additional crafting reagents). On the left side of the tree you’ll find subspecs for profession tools crafting, and at the bottom you’ll find subspecs for stonework (items such as Ironclaw Whetstone that increase your stats, will be high in demand for raiding if you can craft the high quality ones).
You can activate the following plans:
- Artisan Blacksmith’s hammer
- Ironclaw Whetstone
- Ironclaw Razorstone
- Charged Alloy
- Forged Framework
- Sanctified Alloy

Well, this one is pretty much self-explanatory: BIG Weapons! This is great if you want to either craft stuff for yourself or complete work orders for others. Beware, making gold with this might involve using Trade Chat and talking to people (horrible, I know).
You’ll learn the following plans:
- Everforged Warglaive
- Everforged Dagger
- Everforged Stabber
- Everforged Longsword
- Charged Claymore
- Charged Hexsword

This is similar to Weaponsmithing but with armors and shields. Again, this is nice if you want to craft for yourself or some guildies, but if you want to complete work orders and advertize in Trade Chat you can do that too (with a little bit of extra effort).
You can activate the following plans:
- Everforged Breastplate
- Everforged Legplates
- Everforged Defender
- Everforged helmet
- Everforged Pauldrons
- Everforged Sabatons
- Everforged Greatbelt
- Everforged Vambraces
- Everforged Gauntlets
Knowledge Points
Unique knowledge points
- In the crafting professions, the first production of an object grants a point of knowledge, which is why you should at least produce each recipe.
- From the master of the craftsman consortium
Lyrendal Dornogal /way 59.82 56.40
For Artisan’s Acuity you can buy these items (they’ll give you tons of knowledge points) - When reaching a certain level of reputation
Jewel-Etched Blacksmithing Notes– –needs level 12 at the council of Dornogal
Sold by Auditor Balwurz in Dornogal for 1625 Resonance Crystals
/way 39.10, 24.18
Weekly knowledge points
- Profession Quest in Dornogal
Once a week,you’ll be able to pickup the Quest Blacksmithing Services Requested, you will get two knowledge points. To activate these, the quest of Roldira needs to be completed. - NPC orders
At your job table, you now have jobs from NPCs (customers) among the orders that can reward you with sparks and mica. Look out for Flicker of Blacksmithing Knowledge and Glimmer of Blacksmithing Knowledge - From the inscription customer via crafts mission
Algari Treatise on Blacksmithing: An object that the scribes can produce for you by means of a crafting order and which you can use once a week. - Knowledge from boxes in the world
According to rumors, there are two items for each manufacturing profession, which can be found in boxes in each area, on a weekly basis. You grant 1-2 knowledge points per item. For blacksmithing, these would be Dense Bladestone and Coreway Billet.
Monthly knowledge points
- As usual, you can get some knowledge points from completing quests in the Darkmoon Faire.
A few Pictures!
In this guide you learned about the basics of how blacksmithing works in TWW and what you can craft, but if you want to get really hyped about blacksmithing, here’s a few pictures of items you’ll be able to craft:

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