What’s up gaming heroes welcome back to another awesome World of Warcraft guide. This one is covering how to farm Artisan’s Acuity.
What is Artisan’s Acuity
Artisan’s Acuity is a crafting currency used by players to buy profession knowledge point books and profession gear. Without enough Artisan’s Acuity you will not be able to compete at the highest level of your profession, which effectively means you will be unable to make profit with your crafting professions.
To solve this problem I have researched to the topic in depth and have found there’s lot of the “same” information being said in many different ways “Artisan’s Acuity Shuffle” search that term on YouTube and you’ll see what I am saying… However no one seems to be talking about the “Artisan’s Acuity Farm”. This is where you take gathering professions and FARM your artisan’s acuity. More info to come!
Profession Catch-up Mechanics
Every profession in The War Within has a system which allows players to catch-up with knowledge points and artisan’s acuity. We will be taking advantage of these systems to effectively farm over 2400 artisan’s acuity.
Catch-up Checklist (Do this First)
To unlock all of the “catch-up” systems you must complete the following:
- Level your profession to level 25
- Complete the Weekly Profession Quest at level 25
- Collect all the relevant weekly treasure for your profession.
- Now you will start collecting the catch-up points and Artisan’s Acuity.
Do note you will also get Artisan’s Acuity from the weekly Treatise for your profession (Get this via crafting orders).
Razor Talons you get 5 Artisan’s Acuity for every single Razor Talon. That’s 450 Artisan’s Acuity not to mention all the other treasures and random bits and bobs you can farm!
Do the check list above, first or these catch up points will not drop!

Null Slivers you get 5 Artisan’s Acuity for every single Null Slivers. That’s 460 Artisan’s Acuity not to mention all the other treasures and random bits and bobs you can farm!
Do the check list above, first or these catch up points will not drop!

Deepgrove Roots you get 5 Artisan’s Acuity for every single Deepgrove Roots. That’s 540 Artisan’s Acuity not to mention all the other treasures and random bits and bobs you can farm!
Do the check list above, first or these catch up points will not drop!

All Crafting Professions
Patron Crafting Orders you get 5-10 Artisan’s Acuity for every single catch-up Patron Order completely.
Do the check list above, first or these catch up points will not drop!

Enchanting / Disenchanting
Shimmering Dust (Gained by Disenchanting goods) you get 5 Artisan’s Acuity for every single Shimmering Dust. That’s 645 Artisan’s Acuity not to mention all the other treasures and random bits and bobs you can farm!
Do the check list above, first or these catch up points will not drop!

Artisan’s Acuity Shuffle
Now we’ve covered all the information on Artisan’s Acuity Farming, let’s look at the shuffle!
So the shuffle is effectively learning any and all crafting professions, going to the patron orders, completing any and all patron orders, then unlearning that profession and learning a new one.
With enchanting the Artisan’s Acuity shuffle is a bit more complicated due to there being a lot of points you can get if you level enchanting to level 25+. When you level to 25 you can get access to both the Shimmering Dust catch-up mechanic but also the Glimmering Illusion Enchants.
Due to how the profession system works, any craft in a profession that is not taught by the trainer will give the player Artisan’s Acuity on the first craft bonus. So with enchanting due to the Glimmering Enchants being a specialization point distribution, none of the recipes are taught by anyone. You must learn it via the point distribution. This means you get 22 unique recipes which in turn give you points and artisan’s acuity when crafted for the first time.
Learning these illusions will give you an additional 110 artisan’s acuity minimum. After that you can spend knowledge points on other trees to unlock more crafts which will then give more Artisan’s Acuity.

Final Tips
Once you’ve gained all your profession artisan’s acuity from each profession simply unlearn the profession and move onto the next profession.
With these tips you will be able to get all your knowledge points and all your artisan’s acuity profession equipment for your profession when you start. Good luck, have fun and let us know your feedback!
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