Warbear Leather Farm: Tips and Tricks!
Warbear Leather is a simple thing to farm from the bears of The Tainted Forest, but there are a few things you can do to make it EVEN better! Check out the list below to see what I think you should do for a better GPH!
- Be a Druid! Druids are able to fly around The Tainted Forest quickly, and Moonfire is clutch for fast kills!
- This can be done in a group for even faster kills. Have players take certain quadrants and kill the fast spawns quickly for maximum results!
- If you kill all adds you reduce your chance of killing all the bears and having to wait for respawns.
Warbear Leather Route
This is a pretty quick route, ideal for people that have a few free minutes and want some high value, consistently sold, items.
If you’re a druid with a speed set, and RNG is on your side, this is a great way to kill some time!
Warbear Leather farming is a consistent fantastic gold farming strategy.

Gold Per Hour? 8k – 25k GPH!
It’s hard for me to give a Gold Per Hour because the market prices are constantly changing. At the time of this article, Warbear Leather is selling for roughly 80 gold a piece in all regions. You can collect about 50 an hour depending on luck! Click here for an online Auction House.
Warbear Leather | ~ 3000 GPH |
Raw Gold from Greys | ~ 200 GPH |
Random TMOG | ~ 10-20k GPH |
Bear Flank | ~500 GPH |
Rugged Leather | ~864 GPH |
Ironweb Spider Silk | ~200 GPH |
Living Essence | ~300 GPH |
Rugged Hide | ~50 GPH |
Import Route:
Import the Route from here – Click to Open!
Retail:Routes:Warbear Leather:Blasted Lands: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
Want to take the farm even further?
If you have a character with 300 Classic Leatherworking, you can convert the Warbear Leather on your own into a few Very Profitable Transmog Pieces!
The Warbear Harness and Warbear Woolies are 2 very sexy tmogs, but to get the pattern you have to get your rep up with the Timbermaw Hold Furbolg Faction. You can reach Friendly pretty fast just by doing quests on the Felwood Side of the tunnel. See the pictures below for Where to go, and who sells the pattern!

There are 2 NPC’s outside that begin the questline to Unlock this faction!

The Warbear patterns become available once you reach Friendly with Timbermaw