What’s up Gaming Heroes! As The War Within unfurls and we wind up with more and more Alts, we’re getting a lot of questions about “What’s the best way to farm this, how do you farm that?” And we hear you! I’ve been working on min/maxing my gold making while gearing alts at the same time, and this method involves Tailoring, Follower Dungeons, and Delves!
The video below covers exactly how to do this farm.
-Your Tailoring Build –
The below suggestion costs 90 points and can be easily invested in every toon you are leveling in The War Within for easy passive gold while exploring the world and gearing in Delves.
Textile Textures : 30/30 for Maximum Weavercloth drops from mobs in The War Within.
Quality Fabric : 30/30 to receive up to Tier 3 Cloth products. (Also applies to Duskweave and Dawnweave from the next spec.)
From Dusk Until Dawn : 30/30 to unlock both Dawnweave and Duskweave specs allowing for maximum cloth drops, and even potential to feed other Tailoring Toons specialized in just weaving/crafting without concern for wasted points on farming! (Make sure to unlock both the Dusk and Dawn sections, you dont HAVE to invest points in them, just unlock for the potential drops.)

-Quick Start On A Fresh 70+ Toon-
The steps for getting started quickly can be found below:
- Pick up Tailoring from Kotag in Dornogal. /way 54.8 63.6
- Buy or Send roughly 125 Weavecloth to your new Tailor.
- On the new tailor, unravel all 125 cloth.
- Buy roughly 180 Mosswool Thread from the Tailoring Supplies vendor, Berred. /way 54.8 63.6
- Train Weavercloth Bolts.
- Create Bolts to 25 Tailoring Skill.
- If Creating bolts does not get you to 25, train the Cloth Slippers or the Perfected Cord, and buy more Mosswool Thread/Adorning Ribbons until you can craft enough to make it to 25 skill.
- Unlock “Textile Textures” – Far Right Tailoring Skill Tree.
- Collect ALL Knowledge Treasures from around the world.
- 24 from the Epic Treasures. Make sure to get the extra 20 points from the Kej Book and the Tailoring Notes from the Council of Dornogal if you have the resources/rep.
- If you have not already, do Roldira’s quick Crafting Consortium quest for a quick 350 Acuity, which can be used to buy an additional 10 Knowledge Points.
- Once you have all your easy knowledge, you’re about halfway to being able to invest in the Big 3 Skills above! You can go ahead and invest in Textile Textures so that this toon can begin collecting cloth on it’s own, or hang onto the knowledge and powerlevel your Tailoring with another toons Cloth, or the Auction House.

Once all of the above is done, you can start actually leveling Tailoring to unlock the final 2 Skill nodes.
DO NOT SPEND YOUR POINTS BEFORE UNLOCKING “QUALITY FABRIC” AND “FROM DUSK UNTIL DAWN”. If you start spending points before you have all 90 knowledge/all trees unlocked you can increase your time to fill all 3 nodes.
I do not mind spending the free 350 Acuity on the 10 free points from Lyrendal in Dornogal /way 59.6 56.4 , but if you are saving the acuity for a future shuffle you can make up the 10 knowledge by crafts or doing a few days of Patron Orders.
Learning and crafting 1 of each of the Tailoring Patterns, buying the extra 20 knowledge, and a little bit of RNG will get you to roughly 65 skill and 96 knowledge. A little more than you need for maximum farming!
I spent only 8k gold on AH mats, and 500 Artisans Acuity. Now my little Warrior will make WAY more than that on the road to gear!
-Best “Solo” Cloth Farm-
The single best Solo farm I’ve found so far for characters you’ve already geared up well, is the Darkflame Cleft dungeon. The first 2 rooms filled with Kobolds have an insane chance to drop Cloth, and can be easily spammed (And safely on undergeared toons) thanks to the Follower Dungeons system.
You can queue when you have free time from anywhere in the world, pop in and kill about 6 mobs, and just leave. You Cloth per Hour will vary on RNG and your DPS, but if you’re grinding solo this is the way to do it!
Open the Dungeon Finder -> Select Follower Dungeons -> Select ONLY Darkflame Cleft -> Find Froup -> Spam to Your Hearts Content!

Once you get in, clear this first room:

Hang a left into the next long corridor, and clear everything up to the first boss. Make sure to check the Rafters for 2 groups of Kobolds that are easy to miss!

-Best Delves for Cloth-
I’ve had pretty great success with the Tailoring Build while gearing up alts i’ve leveled. A Majority of the Delves you can enter for gear and weekly quests have a pretty reasonable Cloth Droprate as well as the chance at other high value mats like Profaned Tinderboxes (see the Gaming Hero delve guide here). Pair the updated and valuable Delve Loot with free cloth gained on all alts just by investing 90 Knowledge Points and you are going to build a stockpile of gold EZ!
Delves To Avoid: Any of the Mushroom Caves, and of the Kobold Delves. The Underwater delves with the Kobyss are debatable, but I also avoid these. (The kobyss drop good cloth, but I often forget to breathe… dying limits your GPH =D )
Delves To Aim For: I typically focus on the Nerubian Delves, and the Nightfall Sanctum.
Thank you so much for reading!
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