Lunar festival is active from January 28 to February 11 in 2025. Throughout the event you can collect Coin of Ancestry. This currency is an item which will be stored in your bag and can have a stack of 200. It’s soulbound (not warbound) and will NOT be deleted when the event ends. You can gain this currency by flying around in Azeroth, and speaking to Elders. Every Elder you speak to you’ll gain 1 Coin of Ancestry.
I recommend using the TomCat’s Tours addon, as it will pin every Elder location on all continents (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tomcats).
You can gain a total of 100 Coin of Ancestry per character as of 2025. See Elders location further down.
I recommend starting in Kalimdor, as that zone has the most coins with the least dungeons. With dynamic flying it should be super fast even though the elders are more spread out than Eastern Kingdoms.
Worth it items from Vendors – Lunar Festival
Both the Horde and Alliance vendors are located in Moonglade, Kalimdor. Valadar Starsong and Fariel Starsong are both located at /way 54.0 35.0 in Moonglade.
Vendor to Auction House
The items below are sold by the vendors mentioned above, and can be sold directly on the Auction House. Note that some items can only be sold to specific factions, and it can take some time for these items to sell.
Item | Price |
Schematic: Alliance Firework |
Schematic: Horde Firework |
Schematic: Snake Firework |
Lunar Lantern |
Festival Lantern |
Lunar Lantern

Festival Lantern

Crafted to Auction House
Fariel Starsong sells 2 Tailoring recipes and 9 Engineering recipes for 5 Coin of Ancestry each. The prices below are from the crafted items of the recipes. These items sell more often than the items in the Vendor to Auction House category.
Item | Price |
Festival Dress |
Festival Suit |
Firework Launcher |
Please note that the prices fluctuates when the event is on going.
Elders location Lunar Festival
Eastern Kingdoms: 25 Coin of Ancestry

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Ironforge and Undercity Elders are located within the respective cities, so players of the opposite faction might find it difficult to get into the opposite factions city. I recommend skipping Ironforge for Horde and Untercity for Alliance, if you are not working towards the achievements.
Kalimdor: 28 Coin of Ancestry

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Retail:Routes:Lunar Kali:Kalimdor: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
Northrend: 18 Coin of Ancestry

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Retail:Routes:Lunar North:Northrend: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
Dungeons: 13 Coin of Ancestry
In the maps above there’s waypoints for each dungeon entrance for all the elders located within a dungeon. Simply copy the following into your chats when youre inside the dungeon.
Eastern Kingdoms:
Sunken Temple: /way 62.5 35.1
Blackrock Depths: /way 50.3 63.1
Lower Blackrock Spire: /way 62.1 39.9
Stratholme: /way 78.6 22.2
Zul’Farrak: /way 34.4 39.2
Maraudon: /way 51.5 93.7
Hall of Stone: /way 29.8 61.7
Drak’Tharon Kepp: /way 68.0 78.9
Gundrak: /way 45.7 62.1
Utgarde Pinnacle (Lower Pinnacle): /way 49.0 23.0
Utgarde Keep (Njorndir Preparation): /way 47.0 70.0
Azjol-Nerub (The Brood Pit): /way 21.9 43.7
The Nexus: /way 55.3 65.0
Dragon Isles: 8 Coin of Ancestry

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Retail:Routes:Lunar DF:Dragon Isles: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
Khaz Algar: 8 Coin of Ancestry

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Retail:Routes:Lunar Khaz:Khaz Algar: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
Archivist Coppermoss (Isle of Dorn): /way #2248 48.6 14.0
Archivist Rubbleglint (Isle of Dorn): /way #2248 40.9 87.4
Archivist Silsigra (The Ringing Deeps): /way #2214 67.3 53.0
Archivist Farolt (The Ringing Deeps): /way #2214 48.9 67.3
Elder Ikk’zivan (Azj-Kahet): /way #2255 66.9 85.5
Elder Ikk’xataz (Azj-Kahet): /way #2255 46.8 57.2
Elder Knythall (Hallowfall): /way #2215 25.9 51.9
Elder Swornvow (Hallowfall): /way #2215 66.3 46.3
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