Welcome to our guide on how to obtain the Lucid Nightmare mount! This is a fairly hard mount to get so I recommend you read the entire guide before starting to know what you are getting into.
Table of Contents
How to get the Lucid Nightmare
In order to get this mount, you will need to interact with 7 Inconspicuous Notes by right-clicking them. These notes are scattered across Azeroth and will require you to complete a puzzle before they appear.
IMPORTANT: you must complete these notes in the following order or you will not be able to see them. You can use this macro (copy and paste it in chat) to track your progress (it will display which parts you have completed or not in your chat box):
Click here to show macro
/run local N,t,d={"DAL","ULD","AQ","DEEP","GNOMER","VAL","MAZE","MOUNT"},{47826,47837,47841,47850,47852,47863,47881,47885} for s,k in pairs(N)do d=IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k,"=",d and "\124cFF00FF00" or "\124cFFFF0000NOT","DONE")end
Lucid Nightmare Video Guide
If you would like to watch a video on how to obtain the Lucid Nightmare mount, this is a video guide made by Revanthyr.
First note: Dalaran
For the first note, we are heading to Broken Isles Dalaran. To get there you can use your Dalaran Hearthstone or use the portal to Azsuna from your capital city then fly there.
The note is in the ‘Curiosities & Moore’ shop. Go up the stairs and you’ll find the note on a table.

You should see the following message pop up:

Congratulations, you have completed the first part in your Lucid Nightmare journey!
Second Note: Ulduar
Take the portal to Dalaran (Northrend) from your capital city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) then fly to The Storm Peaks. Here you will find the raid entrance for Ulduar:

Once you are inside the raid you’ll have to talk to Brann Bronzebeard to start the raid.

You can ride the bikes nearby to go faster. Head to the Flame Leviathan boss. At this point you should get off your bike, kill the mobs nearby and the boss should spawn in a few seconds. Kill it, then keep going forward to the XT-002 Deconstructor boss.

At the north west corner of the Scrapyard, you’ll find a pile of junk with a lever on top of it.
After interacting with this lever, a 20×20 grid of lights will appear on the ground. Note: you can kill the Deconstructor boss at anytime, and it will not affect the lights or the lever, but if you kill him you will have to loot the chest on top of the stairs to make his corpse disappear.

When you interact a light it will turn green. You have to interact with the lights and form the cog pattern below. You can complete the borders first, that way you can just click all the lights within them when you’re done which is very easy.
Once you complete the pattern the second note will appear on the ground. Interact with it and another message should pop up (make sure to use the macro from the beginning of this article to track your progress).

Third Note: Ahn’Qiraj
For the third note we’re heading to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raid in Silithus. You can get there easily by using the portal to Uldum in your capital city and then flying to Silithus.

Now you will have to run through the raid all the way to the final boss, C’thun. You will have to kill the Twin Emperors boss for the door to open. This is the path you have to take:

Once you reach the C’thun room go here:

At the top of the stairs you will find a mind larva. Once you interact with it it will start a mini game where you have to line up 5 brains to win. There have been reports of players winning after playing the mini game for a while but aim to line up 5 brains to make this quicker.

Once you complete this puzzle another note will appear!
Fourth Note: Deepholm
Before going for this note, you’ll need to go to the auction house and buy a Shadoweave Mask. If you would like to craft the mask for yourself instead of buying it, we have a guide on how to get the recipe here. Make sure it’s in your bags, then use your capital city portal to Deepholm. Here are the coordinates of the portal in both cities:
Orgrimmar portal location: /way 50.68, 36.64
Stormwind portal location: /way 73.35, 19.47
Then fly to this cavern: /way 58 25

Then you’ll need to head to the Dark Fissure: /way 63.71 22.51 Be careful because there is worm which will carry you back to the entrance if you run into it.

Interacting with the fissure will send you to a cave. In this cave you’ll see a chair with a skull on it. If you equip the Shadoweave Mask you’ll be able to interact with that skull and another note will appear. Once you clicked it (make sure to use the macro to verify your progress) you can use a hearthstone to get out of the cave.
Fifth Note: Gnomeregan
For the next note, head to the Gnomeregan dungeon. If you are Alliance use the portal to Boralus then the portal to Ironforge from there. If you are horde use the zeppelin to Stranglethorn Vale (Grom’Gol) then use the teleporter here:

Once you are in Gnomeregan follow this route:

Once you reach the point in that third picture, you’ll see 10 consoles that you can interact with. At first they’ll be set to 1. When interacting with them you’ll be able to go up (increase number by 1) or go down (reduce number by 1). You have to set the consoles to 1222176597; which means you don’t have to interact with the first console, but you have to increase the umber of the second console by one and so on. When you set all the consoles correctly a note will appear on the ground. Make sure to click it. For the next note we’re heading to Legion!
Sixth Note: Val’Sharah
Val’Sharah is a zone in the Broken Isles. You can get there by using your Dalaran Hearthstone or using the portal to Azsuna from your main city. Then fly to this house: /way Val’sharah 66.5 36.0

When inside, there will be an interactible item on the left. Once you click it a puzzle will start where you have to untangle threads by swapping two balls at a time. You have to switch the balls that are connected so that the threads don’t cross each other. When a thread is uncrossed it will turn blue. You have to make all the threads turn blue, and a note will appear. You will probably need to zoom your camera in to see the threads properly.

Seventh Note: Kun’Lai
This is the hardest and longest part in getting this mount, and it can take up to multiple hours so be prepared. Head to Kun’Lai Summit in Pandaria : /way Kun-Lai Summit 53.4 49 At this location you will find a cave. Inside the cave there is an urn you can interact with. If you decide to activate the urn you will be sent in the Endless Halls.
Endless Halls Maze
The Endless Halls maze works like this:
How to complete the maze:
The maze is an 8×8 grid of rooms. Each room has up to 4 exits. By taking an exit you will be faded into the next room. In some rooms the torchs will be lit up, which means you can interact them to get a debuff. Some rooms will have a rune at the center of the table. If you find the blue torch, click it then bring the debuff to the blue rune and click the rune. You need to do this with five different colors.
Extra info:
- If your reach the edge of the maze (there is no way to tell) you will be teleported to another edge of the maze which makes mapping almost impossible.
- There is one random room in the maze that will teleport you to a random room when you exit it.
- The maze is random for each player and changes every day.
- If you log out, you’ll be teleported back to the first room.
Here’s a few strategies:
- You can try to run around randomly and pick up a torch whenever you see it, then hope you’ll find the matching table. This may take you 5 minutes or it might take you 3 hours.
- You can try using some online tools to map the maze as you go. This was for me a great trick, because i was able to easily find my way back to a table when i found the matching table, but it got too complicated eventually so i decided to start running around randomly and was able to complete the maze in around 3 hours.
- You can use the website endlessmap.info/ to keep track of the maze. It is unnecessary to try to get the exact mapping of the hole maze. All you need is to be able to find your way back to a table once you find a torch, so start mapping as soon as you find a colored table.
No matter which of these strategies you choose, remember that you will succeed eventually! Also make sure you do not got AFK for more than around 30 minutes, because you will get disconnected which means you’ll have to start all over again.
Once you complete all 5 colors, exiting the room you’re in will teleport you to another room with the final note at the middle. Interact with it, then there’s one more location you need to go to.
Claiming the Lucid Nightmare
Now that you’ve completed all the puzzles, you need to head to Deadwind Pass to claim your prize. You can fly there from Stormwind if you are Alliance, and if you’re Horde you can take the portal to Stranglethorn Vale then fly to Deadwind Pass.

Then head to this location: /way Deadwind Pass 39.8 73.6.

Enter the Crypt then use the following screenshots to guide you to the treasure chest:
For the part in the water you need to go down then turn around.
Now open it! Congratulations you are now a proud owner of the Lucid Nightmare!
Thank you for reading this guide, and I hope it helped you grow your mount collection!
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