Kalimdor Rarity Strings 1

This article includes areas like Mulgore, Stonetalon Mountains, Northern Barrens and Wailing Caverns. More articles to come! Already out: Kalimdor 2, Eastern Kingdoms 1 and Eastern Kingdoms 2.
The article includes rare locations for each zone, as well as the rares spawn time. AND OF COURSE the Rarity string for every rare and zone drops!

If you don’t know how to import Rarity strings, see our Rarity addon guide here: https://gaminghero.io/wow-rarity-addon-the-best-mount-pet-toy-tracker/

Currently recipe and quest item drops have been excluded. If this causes dissatisfaction please let me know on Discord, and I’ll change the string accordingly. (otherwise they’ll have their own article at a later date)

Mulgore Rarity String

Mulgore is probably the smallest collection zone in all of the game, with a total of 4 unique drops. Throughout Mulgore there are 3 rares, which has unique transmog drops. These rares all have a spawn rate of 20-30 min.

Mazzranache walks in a big circle around Thunderhorn Water Well: /way 42.37 45.27
intercepts its route.

Sister Hatelash has two spawns: /way 53.04 11.83
/way 32.05 24.39

The Rake walks around in the valley east of Thunder Bluff: /way 54.84 29.08 intercepts its route.

There are 4 drops from both rares and regular mobs in Mulgore, and the following string will import them straight into Rarity for you to get a announcement, when you loot it:

Import the Rarity String from here – Click to Open!

Stonetalon Mountains Rarity String

Northern Barrens only has 1 rare, with 2 unique transmog drops, Pridewing Patriarch. To spawn this rare simply kill Pridewing Consort or Pridewing Wyvern until it spawns at /way 55.38 44.37

You can farm this rare, but be aware that when it spawns, it will scale to your current characters level.

And here is the Rarity String for the Webwing Cloak and Wyvern Tailspike, which both drop from the rare.

Import the Rarity String from here – Click to Open!

Northern Barrens Rarity String

Stonetalon Mountains has 7 rares, which has unique transmog drops. Most of these rares have a spawn rate of 30m to an hour.

Stonearm can spawn at multiple Centaur encampments: /way 32.35 53.34
/way 31.98 48.70
/way 40.14 45.65

Brokespear also spawns at mulitple Centaur encampments: /way 52.2 75.8
/way 58.6 77.6
/way 57.8 82.2
/way 53.8 87.0
/way 51.4 83.8

Elder Mystic Razornout can spawn at: /way 56.4 51.6
/way 58.2 49.6
/way 60.73 52.62

Gesharahan: /way 39.85 74.95

Rathorian: /way 41.6 39.8

Boahn is located within the Wailing Caverns cave (not instance). Entrance to cave at /way 38.94 69.28
Within the cave: /way 74.0 25.6
/way 78.4 40.8
/way 68.2 59.0

Trigore the Lasher is also located with the Wailing Caverns cave. Entrance to cave at /way 38.94 69.28
Within the cave: /way 62.79 40.47

Boahn has an 8 hour respawn, and Trigore the Lasher has a reported respawn timer of 20-36 hours.

There are 13 drops from both rares and regular mobs in Northern Barrens, and the following string will import them straight into Rarity for you to get an announcement, when you’ve looted it:

Import the Rarity String from here – Click to Open!

Wailing Caverns Rarity String

Wailing Caverns has a few zone drops, mainly from the Stuffed Deviate Scale Pouch, which is included in the rarity string below. Besides the zone drops there is one rare in this instance, Deviate Faerie Dragon. Its drops have a fairly good drop rate, so they are not included in the rarity string.

Deviate Faerie Dragon spawns at the caves bend furthest to the right on the instance map. It’s spawn rate seems slightly random, so here is when it spawned for me: Run 12, 13, 20, 22 and 25. It also took me 4 kills to get its two drops.

You can target the rare from the instances entrance, by using this macro:

/target Deviate Faerie Dragon

Simply run out if you don’t target anything and reset.

There are a total of 6 zone drops from the Wailing Caverns, and the following string will import them into Rarity for you to get an announcement, when you’ve looted it:

Import the Rarity String from here – Click to Open!

Thank you for reading! More Rarity strings are in the making! Eastern Kingdoms 1 is already out CLICK HERE! To be notified, when more strings come out join the discord below. You’ll need to become a member to access some of the upcoming string, so CLICK HERE and become a member today! You’ll gain access to 300+ gold guides!!! If you just wanna read more awesome World of Warcraft guides CLICK HERE!

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