Golden Pearl Farm

Welcome my fellow Gaming Heroes! This guide will take you step by step through my process of how to farm Golden Pearls for big profit! This is a slow moving market so expect these materials to sell within 1 week. Always try to keep some stocked on the auction house.

Item Price
Golden Pearl

Where, What, How?

Golden Pearls are used in a variety of different crafts. This renders them a good value on the auction house as it means crafters can buy them without having to go through  the tedious process of farming them.

  1. Where?
    Blasted Lands > The Red Reaches (if you can’t see them, then you need to go to Zidormi on the map and change your time zone).
  2. What?
    Golden Pearl – If these are less than 800g on the auction house i suggest buying them out and re-selling for 800-1000g each.
  3. How?
    Slay any Naga in The Red Reaches until they drop Golden pearls.

Naga spawn very fast! So I highly advise making a group to make them spawn even faster.

To make a group use the group finder (i) and click custom, click create group then title it “Golden Pearl Farm”. Then start farming, people will join you as you farm.

You will get around 15-50 per hour depending on your luck. They drop from Jagal Clams. Other pearls drop too but they aren’t as valuable.

Good luck everyone!

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