Garrison Guides
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This article includes areas like Dun Morogh, Gnomeregan, Loch Modan and Wetlands. The article inclu… Uh Oh! This Guide is for Members only! To read this become a Gaming Hero Member and log-in to your account. Go to the Member sign-up here! Already a member? Login Here! Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password
This article includes areas like Southern Barrens, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Desolace and Mar… Uh Oh! This Guide is for Members only! To read this become a Gaming Hero Member and log-in to your account. Go to the Member sign-up here! Already a member? Login Here! Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password
This article includes areas like Mulgore, Stonetalon Mountains, Northern Barrens and Wailing Caverns. More articles to come! Already out: Kalimdor 2, Eastern Kingdoms 1 and Eastern Kingdoms 2. The article includes rare locations for each zone, as well as the rares spawn time. AND OF COURSE the Rarity string for every rare and zone drops!…