Fungarian & Order of Night Delves Guide – The War Within

This guide will include all treasure locations and locations of the entrances to all Fungarian and Order of Night delves. If you want to know more about what Delves are, click here!

Fungarian Delve Achievement – Sporesweeper

This achievement can only be done in a Fungarian delve, which are one of the following:

  • Fungal Folly
  • Mycomancer Cavern

You need to do a level 8 or above fungarian delve. In these delves there will be Sporbit mobs all over. You can kill them, but they will respawn. To complete this achievement you must not be hit by the Sporbit mobs, when they explode. They explode when you’ve damaged them down to 0 hp and have cast “Sporesplosion”. You will have 1.5 seconds to move out of the explosion area.

Order of Night Delve Achievement – Daystormer

This achievement can only be done in the Nightfall Sanctum delve, which is the only Order of Night delve.

You need to do it on level 8 or above.  Throughout this delve there will be purple circles changing sizes on the ground. If you step into these circles you’ll gain a debuff called “Spotted!“. This debuff lasts 3.5 seconds and will target you with a barrage of shots (seen in the second photo below). To complete this achievement simply dodge the circles. If you ever get the debuff, you will NOT complete the achievement.

Fungal Folly Delve


The entrance to Fungal Folly is located at the lower middle of Isle of Dorn. /way 51.92 65.53

The entrance is found in a swamp-like area in the lower middle part of Isle of Dorn. Find the hillside with a few large mushrooms and a cave. Head inside the cave. Here you’ll find the entrance to the delve, and you can enter it. 


The first treasure is located in the right side corner of the map on a small island. Head to the second platform within the delve, get on top of a small rock formation next to 3 stalagmites. Look down and locate the three yellow mushrooms below. Jump down onto the small island and you’ll find the treasure within the green grass. Open it. To get back on top, locate the purple mushroom on a small rock behind you. Jump onto it. /way 58.38 46.91

The second treasure can be accessed by using the purple mushroom on the next lower platform to jump onto a yellow mushroom. Head down to the next purple mushroom to the right side of the yellow mushroom you landed on. It will send you to the top, where you’ll be able to find the treasure across the waterfall. Be careful not to fall down. /way 53.38 41.49

The third treasure is located past the first large open area. Locate the purple mushroom on the other side of the area, and jump onto it. Then jump on the following purple mushroom, wehere you should find the treasure in the middle of the platform you arrive at. /way 32.97 73.97

The fourth treasure is found within the waterfall next to the first purple mushroom in the prior picture. Follow the waterfall down and open the treasure. /way 34.41 65.33

The fifth treasure is located in the water on the lowest area of the delve. Run to the right into the water after you’ve made it past the mobs on the middle island. Swim down to the bottom of the deep water and open the treasure. /way 49.34 35.76

All treasure locations within Fungal Folly:

  • /way 58.38 46.91
  • /way 53.38 41.49
  • /way 32.97 73.97
  • /way 34.41 65.33
  • /way 49.34 35.76

You’ll be awarded with the Fungal Folly Discoveries after having opened all 5 treasures.

Mycomancer Cavern Delve


The entrance to Mycomancer Cavern is located at the right upper side of Hallowfall. /way 71.26 31.16 

Coming from The Ringing Deeps take a sharp right turn and head into the cavern area. You’ll find an open cave to the right side of the cavern, on an elevated hill. Head into the cave and you’ll find the entrance right at the start of said cave. Enter the delve here.


The first treasure is found on a small rock formation between the first and second upper area. Run up on the formation and you should be able to see the treasure amongst the red grass. /way 49.66 21.55

The second treasure is located at the far back water canal in the water. You can either swim from the lower area (starting level of the delve) to the treasure or jump down from the second level into the water right above the treasure. /way 63.22 45.44

The third treasure is found at the highest point of the delve, accessible with jumping mushrooms. Behind a large rock pillar which will be on the left side when first accessed. Simply run behind the pillar, found amongst some tree branches you’ll see the treasure. /way 68.91 40.96

The fourth treasure is located on a rock on the edge right before the boss room. Carefully jump onto the rock from the edge over it. There is a jumping mushroom right next to it so do not be scared of failing. You can also wall jump up to the treasure, by jumping upward on the right of the rock to get on top of it. /way 40.66 61.61

All treasure locations within Mycomancer Cavern:

  • /way 49.66 21.55
  • /way 63.22 45.44
  • /way 68.91 40.96
  • /way 40.66 61.61

You’ll be awarded with the Mycomancer Cavern Discoveries after having opened all 4 treasures.

Nightfall Sanctum Delve


The entrance to Nightfall Sanctum is located at the left middle side of Hallowfall. /way 34.35 47.21

The entrance is found within a cave located right next to the first waterfall coming in from Beledar in Hallowfall. Simply head into the cave and you’ll find the entrance at the start of it.


In the “Kyron’s Assault” story variant, I would start with the third treasure, then the fourth, followed by the second and first treasures in that order. You could also start with the third treasure to not get the movement speed boost from finishing the delve, however this will require you to backtrack to the start to continue with the delve. Check which story variant the delve has before entering it (see the delves guide here to learn more).

The first chest is located in a small cave straight to the left, when you’ve just entered the delve. Behind a skull and next to a pile of sacks is where you’ll find the treasure. /way 77.74 36.21

The second treasure is found on top of a flower. This is slightly difficult to get to, and requires a bit of skill. Head up the first staircase on the first defensive structure and to the right up the next set of stairs. Stand on the edge, look down and locate the treasure. Position yourself and jump onto the flower, and open the treasure. This is very difficult with the 40 % movement speed buff (Streamlined Relic), which you get from completing the delve. I failed many times, and ended up using Heroic Leap on my warrior to land on the flower. /way 70.66 44.29

The third treasure is located before the boss. Head up the stairs and to the left inside the small storage room. On the left side of the room behind a stack of cannonballs you’ll find the treasure. Open it. /way 38.81 73.69 

The fourth treasure is found at a seemingly inaccessible area of the delve. When you’ve reached the airship head to the very tip of it on the left, where you’ll have to JUMP onto the platform down to the right. Be careful not to miss. When you’ve made it to the platform head to the right of the tower and you should find the treasure there. Now you can open it. /way 40.26 37.23

All treasure locations within Nightfall Sanctum:

  • /way 77.74 36.2
  • /way 70.66 44.29
  • /way 38.81 73.69
  • /way 40.26 37.23

You’ll be awarded with the Nightfall Sanctum Discoveries after having opened all 4 treasures.

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