What’s up Gaming Heroes! Are you one of the many players that took advantage of the INSANE leveling from Timerunning and the TWW Pre-Patch event? Well, we’ve got a tip for you! Keep reading to see just how you too can get a jump start on Professions by using your level 70 Alt Army!

What To Do –
This strategy revolves around a 1 time quest offered by Roldira in Dornogal. She is the “Requisitions Officer” that helps oversee the Crafting Order process and currently exists to point the system out to new players. This quest “Crafting to Order” is a single interaction and then a turn in, and gives you a bag with various crafting materials!

The thing about this is, the quest can be done on ANY level 70 toon on your account and almost everything in the bag can be placed in your Warbank for easy access to all toons!
The only caveat, if you do not have any relevant professions you will only have 3 bags offered (Mining, Tailoring, Herbalism). However, if the toon you are on has Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, or Skinning, there will be an additional bag offered with specialized materials.
The Types of Bags –
Enchanting – 40x Storm Dust, 5x Gleaming Shard.
Engineering – 75x Pile Of Rusted Scrap(soulbound), 30x Bismuth, 15x Aqirite, 15x Ironclaw, 2x Unrecognizable Prototype(soulbound).
Leatherworking – 20x Kaheti Swarm Chitin, 75x Gloom Chitin, 75x Stormcharged Leather, 20x Honed Bone Shards
Herbalism -25x Mycobloom, 20x Arathors Spears, 20x Luredrop, 20x Orbinid, 20x Blessing Blossom.
Mining – 50x Bismuth, 30x Ironclaw Ore
Tailoring – 10x Storm Dust, 8x Leyline residue, 8x Writhing Sample, 30x Weavercloth.
Make your way to Dornogal!
Bring all your alts that you can, if the portal is active for your account you can bring all of your Level 70 toons.
For Alliance- The portal to Dornogal is on the 2nd floor of the portal room. (I didnt even know it was there!) Run up the staircase in the back center of the room, and its the portal on the right.

For the Horde- The portal to Dornogal is in the basement level of our portal room. Hang a left as you approach the portal room and head down the stairs, the portal to Dornogal is on the left.

You can now start funneling or focusing on bags that fit you best. I HIGHLY recommend dropping all the mats in your Warbank regardless of if you are selling them or crafting. Any toon can craft items using mats in the Warbank, and it just makes it easier to log onto your bank alt and auction off the mats you don’t need!
Have fun, and I hope you’re all enjoying the Expansion!
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