What’s up heroes! Here is the gold print I have been talking about on discord, I will follow up with a more in-depth written guide for you all soon! Today we will be learning about to craft Dracothysts to make loads of gold. There are a few pre-requisites to this we must take care of for each character such as being level 70 etc but all is explained in the video below. This is my best Dragonflight gold maker so far!
How to Setup Dracothysts Written Guide
Item | Price |
Dracothyst |
First to get setup with the Dracothysts there are some pre-requisites you must complete.
1. Ding Level 70.
2. Learn Dragonflight Alchemy up to level 25.
3. Gain as much knowledge points as possible (Makes the craft worth it).
4. Complete the Loamm introduction campaign and gain Renown level 3 with Loam.
5. Complete Barter Brick quests in Valdrakken.
6. Farm Digs & Waterlogged Treasure until you have 25 Barter Bricks.
7. Trade Barter Bricks for Ponzo’s Cream then Trade Ponzo’s Cream for Dracothysts Recipe.
8. Buy Materials, Craft and sell = Profit.
Dracothysts Full Setup Video
Leveling to 70
Personally I find it tedious to level from level 64-70. I tend to use dungeon finder to level my alts to level 64 via any accrued Rested XP blue bar. When they have dinged level 64 I tend to open trade services in any major city and ask a booster to boost me to 70. I always message them and say “WTB boost 64-70 60k /w me if it’s a yes”. Then whoever is interested will message you, trade them gold, go afk for 20 mins and ding to level 70.
Dragonflight Alchemy Level 25
I tend to use this basic guide on leveling Alchemy in Dragonflight. The minimum is level 25 so we can start getting knowledge points, this whole strategy relies on us getting as much knowledge points as possible. The more first time crafts you can do the better, knowledge points are worth their weight in gold. Every point matters. Level up as high as you like, minimum 25 and then follow our next step.
Earn Knowledge Points
You earn one knowledge point for every first time craft, do as many first time crafts as possible. Check filters on professions to look for first time crafts. When you have leveled your profession up you will have access to some quests in Valdrakken, complete the profession quests and any Artisan Consortium quests.
If you have spare Artisan Mettle go ahead and trade your mettles with the Artisan’s Consortium vendor who sells two loads of profession points. This will set you ahead massively in Profession Knowledge Points. When I setup alts I always buy both loads of Alchemical Points from this vendor.
Once you have done all of your first time crafts and are at least level 25 alchemy skill in Dragonflight go ahead and fly to waking shores. Follow the route in the pictures below.
The Waking Shores

The first red circle is a profession master, speaking to him will reward you with knowledge points providing you have alchemy level 25+ in Dragonflight.
Ohn’ahran Plains

This one is to complete some of the quests you got from Valdrakken, completing these quests will reward knowledge points for Alchemy. The final red circle is a treasure in the back of a cave, enter cave collect treasure!
The Azure Span

The Azure Span has a treasure surrounded by mobs, be ready unless you are a full bown ninja with the ability to avoid mobs. I used Fade on my Priest and flew in grabbed the treasure and ran. The next treasure is easy to collect, the final arrow points to the teleport pad, use it if you have unlocked it, if not just fly.

Fly or teleport to the correct location then collect both treasures. The final treasure is tricky, you must collect three toys which are scattered around the Gnoll camp, find the toys and carry them back to the cauldrons. Click the cauldrons, when completed on all three cauldrons you will be awarded the item for knowledge points.
Loamm Niffen Introduction Quests
To start the Loamm Niffen quests you may need to skip some quests at the Seat of the Aspects. Kurazidaia is usually someone I have to speak to to skip a quest at the Seat of the Aspects. Follow the skips through until you get back to the Seat of the Aspects. If you don’t have the skips, follow the quest lines until you can return to the Seat of the Aspects
The quest we need to start the Loamm Niffen introductary quest line is called: The Land Beneath. Follow this quest line through to completion until you arrive in Loamm. When you arrive in Loam complete all quests until you reach renown 3 with the Loamm Niffen. I suggest collecting the three alchemy treasure shown below.

Once you have completed enough quests to get Renown level 3 with the Loamm Niffen, return to Valdrakken and accept the new quests offered by the Loamm Niffen representative, his quests are “Barter” quests. You will need to go to the auction house and purchase any of the items he has requested and trade them to the correct people in Loamm Niffen. These people will reward you with Barter Bricks. We need 25 Barter Bricks to purchase the Ponzo Cream from Ponzo and then the one Ponzo cream will be used to trade for the Dracothyst Recipe.
Completing these quests will typically reward you will 21 Barter Bricks. To get the remaining 4 Barter Bricks complete as many digs as possible with Myritt. You have a chance of getting Barter Bricks rewards for this. Once this is done also collect your daily barter brick treasure which is the Waterlogged Treasure at the location in the picture below.

Collecting that treasure once per day will reward you with 1 Barter Brick. If you are extremely unlucky and have not gotten any barter bricks from completing the digs, you will need to either wait for 1 barter brick per day from that Sunken Treasure or you will need to grind them by flying throughout the Zaralek Caverns until you find “Stinky Trash Pile” which is a random treasure chest which can give you barter bricks. This is extremely tedious but will eventually reward you with enough to get your recipe.
Buying the Recipe
When you have farmed or collected the 25 Barter Bricks, speak to Ponzo who is in Loamm. Trade your barter bricks for 1 Ponzo Cream.
Take that 1 Ponzo cream to the alchemist in Loamm and trade the Ponzo Cream for the Dracothyst Recipe.
Before leaving Loamm speak to the Loamm Niffen renown vendor and purchase more knowledge points for 300 Resources. This is really useful to get those final knowledge points!
Your knowledge point tree should look like this, focus on the order. Number 3 is just extra chance to multicraft, the other two trees matter more.

Profession Gear
Now you have learnt the recipe its time to craft your Profession Gear. Craft as much profession gear as possible using the trading post. Prioritize either Multicraft or Resourcefulness. I usually create my profession tool with multicraft missive and then use a resourcefulness enchant to play both sides. I
f you haven’t got enough Artisan’s Mettle, just buy the low quality version from the auction house until you have done enough weekly quests to get enough Artisan Mettle to do the profession tool crafts. Make sure you enchant your Profession Tool with Resourcefulness.
Crafting Dracothysts
Providing you have completed all the steps before it’s time to do your Dracothysts craft. These crafts can stack up to 10 so log into your character every 4 days to craft Dacothysts. If the profit shows as low, don’t worry you will save hugely on resources and often craft multiple Dracothysts meaning the craft will definitely be in profit.
Once you have crafted your Dracothysts gems the question is when do you sell them? Sell them on Wednesday night and any time on the weekend. The price sky rockets during these peak times and you will sell them within 30 seconds of posting. I personally sold 55 Dracothysts within 30 seconds of posting doing this method!
To clear things up you will be making the gold from your bonuses (Multicraft and Resourcefulness) this will mean you are crafting using less materials and also proccing additional crafts. I have often procced an additional 3 crafts of Dracothysts, that’s a free 24,000 gold for no work at all! Pretty awesome right?
Just doing your daily craft will ensure you bag loads of gold using this method, or if you’re mega lazy, do your crafts once every 4 days! The daily crafts stack so you can maximise your time by waiting, but if you’re low on gold you may opt to do this everyday until you’re doing better on finances.
I hope this guide helps you get setup! I have 14 characters doing this currently and I am working on more every day!