Primal Fire Farm: Tips and Tricks!
Primal Fire is a simple thing to farm from the Incandescent Fel Sparks, but there are a few things you can do to make it EVEN better! Check out the list below to see what I think you should do for a better GPH!
- Be a Druid! Druids are able to fly around the Throne of Kiljaeden quickly, and Moonfire is clutch for fast kills!
- This can be done in a group for even faster kills. Have players take certain quadrants and kill the fast spawns quickly for maximum results!
- If you have Herbalism, you can pick Nightmare Vine from the area, which has a very high sell price per herb!
Primal Fire Route
This is a pretty quick route, ideal for people that have a few free minutes and want some high value, consistently sold, items.
If you’re a druid with a speed set, and RNG is on your side, this is a great way to kill 15 minutes!
(Editor’s Note: While testing this route for 20 minutes, I got enough more for 2.5 Primal Fire, and they sold for 240 gold a piece instantly.)

Route Primal Fire
Retail:Routes:Primal Fire:Hellfire Peninsula: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
Gold Per Hour?
Here are the live prices for Primal Fire. Note that Doom Lord Kazzak can spawn near the farming area, and he has a chance to drop a bunch of epic boes that can sell for a lot of gold, such as the Exodar Life Staff but keep in mind the primal fire will be your main source of income here.
Item | Price |
Primal Fire |
Exodar Life-Staff |
Thank you for reading this guide!