If you’re looking to make some easy gold in World of Warcraft, then you should consider farming some of the Top 10 Pets! These pets are all known sellers on the auction house, and can be sold for a good price. Do keep in mind that as is likely with all pets when being sold on the auction house, it will take time to sell them! I advise posting them for 12 hours at a time to keep regular auctions and reduce undercuts. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at each of these pets, and tell you where to find them!
WoW Pet: Sun-Reaver Micro Sentry
Sun-Reaver Micro Sentry is a mechanical pet that can be found in the Isle of Thunder. The pet has a chance to drop from the Sun Reaver Sentry rare who patrols the beach in the picture below on the island. I have personally farmed this over 25 times and sold it each time, it does take me 1-3 weeks to sell on average. So make sure to keep an eye out for the Sun-Reaver Micro Sentry! Check the prices on your realm on undermine.exchange.
Item | Price |
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry |

WoW Pet: Hollow Reed Pet
Hollow Reed Pet can be found in the Dread Wastes. It’s dropped by the rare elite in the picture below. This mob has a slow respawn rate so I personally log in to kill him once a day and that’s it, but don’t give up! This pet is definitely worth the effort, as it’s one of the top sellers on the auction house. Check the prices on your realm on undermine.exchange.
Item | Price |
Aqua Strider |

WoW Pet: Imbued Jade Fragment
Imbued Jade Fragment (Grinder) is another pet that can be found in the Dread Wastes. This pet has a chance to drop from the rare in the picture below. I have sold this personally many times on the auction house. It is dropped by Karr the Darkener and Vengeful Gurthani Spirit. Check the prices on your realm on undermine.exchange.
Item | Price |
Grinder |

WoW Pet: Jadefire Spirit
Jadefire Spirit pet, this pet can be found in Timeless Isle. The pet has a chance to drop from the rare elite Jadefire Spirit in the cave as shown in the picture below. I tend to farm this once a day as it is often farmed by other players. Check the prices on your realm on undermine.exchange.
We’ve covered this pet in our Member guides, so consider becoming a Member-Hero to access our unique, much more detailed farming guide for getting the “Jadefire Spirit Pet!”
Item | Price |
Jadefire Spirit |

WoW Pet: Lanticore Spawnling
Lanticore Spawnling is a tricky pet to farm. It drops from a rare which has a chance to spawn on Heroic Difficulty ONLY and is easily soloable for anyone level 50+. You have to go to the Upper Blackrock Spire dungeon to get to this rare. Upper Blackrock Spire entrance location is 20.8, 37.4 in Burning Steppes (in the Eastern Kingdom). If The Lanticore Spawns it has a 100% drop chance, slay the first boss to find if it has spawned. If not spawned then leave the instance, log out and check again in 24h. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell!
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Lanticore Spawnling |

Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
WoW Pet: Caverndark Nightmare
Caverndark Nightmare is actually pretty easy to get providing the rare spawns. This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! I suggest putting warmode on so you get accommodations which can be traded in for additional pets / mounts / gold. Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Caverndark Nightmare |

WoW Pet: Rebellious Imp
The Rebellious Imp comes from Argus, if you’re not sure how to get to Argus then watch this guide: here. This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. You need to get inside the cave Antoran Wastes in Argus (coordinates to the cave entrance are 65.5 26.6, while Mother Rosula‘s are 66.6,17.8). Slay all the Imps in the cave for 100 Imp Meat and then summon the rare in the green pool with the fish bones (65.5 26.5), slay this “Imp Mother ” and have a chance at the Rebellious Imp Pet. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Rebellious Imp |

WoW Pet: Blackfuse Bombling – Siege of Ogrimmar
The Blackfuse Bombling can drop in the LFR, Normal and HC of the Siege of Orgrimmar from the boss Siegecrafter Blackfuse. I personally farm this by signing up to LFR in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, clearing the raid once, and then leaving it until the following week. You can do it across multiple alts in order to have a higher chance, you can also win this pet by using a bonus roll (Warforged Seal).
Item | Price |
Blackfuse Bombling |

WoW Pet: Kovok – Siege of Ogrimmar
The Kovok can drop in the LFR, Normal and HC of the Siege of Orgrimmar from the boss Paragons of the Klaxxi. I personally farm this by signing up to LFR in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, clearing the raid once, and then leaving it until the following week. You can do it across multiple alts in order to have a higher chance, you can also win this pet by using a bonus roll (Warforged Seal).
Item | Price |
Kovok |

WoW Pet: Zereth Mortis Pets
Pets in Zereth Mortis can not just be farmed like other ordinary pets, you must instead have access to the Photosynthesis forge which is used to craft these pets. If you want to learn how to unlock and work with this forge I suggest reading our Zereth Mortis Pet Guide here. This guide requires being a Member-Hero, for which you can sign up here. Zereth Mortis to this day are some of the highest selling pets around and can be farmed very very easily by simply playing in Zereth Mortis. There are many pets here so be sure to do your research, get farming, get crafting and most importantly – Get Selling.

Final Thoughts on Pet Gold Farming
Farming pets can be a great way to make some easy gold in World of Warcraft. Just remember to keep an eye out for the Top 10 Pets, as they tend to sell well on the auction house.
You are welcome to join our Discord community, exchange thoughts, make some friends, and farm some pets. Happy farming!