Welcome my fellow Gaming Heroes! This guide will take you step by step through my process of WoW Daily Rare Gold Farm for big profit!
NOTE: There are more rares than the ones listed here, these are just the ones I farm personally.

Isle of Thunder – Warlock Tome & Pet
This is a Warlock Farm, you can either login each day and slay all rares on the Isle of Thunder (Pandaria) for a chance at the Tome of Lost Legion or you can do what I do and just log in and slay the sentry for a chance at both the Tome of Lost Legion and a Sentry Pet worth a pretty PENNY!
Item | Price |
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry |
Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion |

Nagrand – 3 Rare Pets
This is a farm for everyone. The rares spawn every 1.5 minutes and are easily soloable for anyone level 50+. They have a 1/10 chance to drop a pet and each of the 3 rares drops a different pet. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price (EU) |
Energized Manafiend |
Empowered Manafiend |
Empyreal Manafiend |

Dread Wastes – Pandaria – 2 Rare Pets
Item | Price |
Grinder |
Aqua Strider |
This is a farm for everyone. The rares spawns periodically and are easily soloable for anyone level 50+. They both drop a different pet so be sure to check on both and slay them daily. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).

Timeless Isle – Pandaria – 1 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone. The rares spawns periodically and is easily soloable for anyone level 50+. This cave has 3 rares spawn (technically 2, but it shows as 3). The one you need to slay is Spirit of Jadefire which can drop a pet.
Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Jadefire Spirit |

Upper Blackrock Spire – Burning Steppes – 1 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone. The rare has a chance to spawn on Heroic Difficulty ONLY and is easily soloable for anyone level 50+. If the Lanticore Spawns it has a 100% drop chance, slay the first boss to find if it has spawned. If not spawned then leave instance and log out and check again in 24h.
Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Lanticore Spawnling |

WOD – Tanaan Jungle – 3 Toys
This is a farm for everyone. The 3 rares are easily soloable for anyone level 50+. Slay all three rares once every 24 hours for a chance at these toys. Do this farm on as many characters as you like.
Item | Price |
Crashin’ Thrashin’ Mortar Controller |
Crashin’ Thrashin’ Roller Controller |
Crashin’ Thrashin’ Cannon Controller |

Nazjatar – BFA – 1 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone. This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! I suggest putting warmode on so you get accommodations which can be traded in for additional pets / mounts / gold. Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Caverndark Nightmare |

Argus – Antoran Wastes Legion – 1 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone. This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Rebellious Imp |

Flesh Shaping LFR – Pandaria – 2 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone (WEEKLY). Join FLESH SHAPING LFR – Boss 2 & 3 can drop pets.
This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Viscous Horror |
Son of Animus |

Downfall of Garrosh Hellscream LFR – Pandaria – 2 Rare Pet
This is a farm for everyone (WEEKLY). Join Downfall of Garrosh Hellscream LFR – Boss 1 & 2 can drop pets.
This rare is soloable for anyone level 50+. Do this farm on as many characters as you like, the more characters the higher your chances of looting a pet to sell! Remember put the pet in a cage before you sell it. (Right click, learn it, then find it and right click it then click put in cage).
Item | Price |
Blackfuse Bombling |
Kovok |